The Compass Vol II No 4 September 1907

12 8t Me'.bounie 1837, Port Adelaide, 1893 5\rthur harnett. Picture Fkamkr and Venetian Bi.ind Manueacturer. Commercial'-road, Port Adelaide. Picture Mouldiiige, GJa-se, Mounts, iStationery, Post Cards, &c on 8ale. MOUNT CUTTING and PLUSH WORK A SPECIALITY. All ordersat Moderate Price? consHtent wlrh good work ani best Materials. The Trade Supplied, Post Cards ittended to. B<itiiiiates Given, Pii'ictuuUty a leading feature. Terms Cash. ROBE-ST.,PORT AOEUIOE and ALBERT-ST.,SEMAPHORE. THOS. BOYCE. House & Ship Painter, Signwriter & Decorator* ALT. KINDS OF HOUSE REPAIRS ATTENDED TO. High Class Work a Speciality. Latest Designs always to hand. Port Adelaide Braneh School of Design. Art Classes are held as follows:— DAY—MOt^DAV,2to 4*30 Kec 10/- per term. TUNIOR, SATURDAY, 9.15 to ADVAifCED.SATUKDAV,ii a.m. to 12 45 p.m. Fee 5/- pcr term. EVENING—MONDAY and THURSDAY,7 (t> p. I'Ve to'- jkt term. Full particulars 011 application to the master, MR.CHAS.J. I'AVIA. Liverpool, London& Globe Insurance Co Total Assets. ,^11,330,597. Total Ci.aims Raid, ,^"44.003,033 All classes of Fire Insurance effected. Policies cover damage by Gas,Lightningand Bush Fires Port Adbi.aidk Agents, J. C. HADDY & SON. PALMl'.RSTON HEATH,Local Manager, Widows'Fiind Building, 36, Grenfell-street, Adelaide.