The Compass Vol II No 4 September 1907

PORT ADELAIDE INSTITUTE (Incorporated.) Branch at the Semaphore. Delivery Stations at Queenscliffe and Hog Bay. Terms:—Two books from any class, and three magai- zines of any kind (daily if required) for Tl per annum, or 5/ quarterly. Two books, without magazines, 12/6 per annum, or 3/3 qtiarterly. All subscriptions payable in advance. Over 20,000 volumes of History. Biography, Travel,, and General Literature on the shelves. The latest books stocked immediately upon arrival. The magazine and newspaper supply is unequalled in the Australian States. T450 expended annually in this department alone. Sixtj- copies received (monthlv) of each popular magazine. The Juvenile Library contains nearly 1,000 volumes, embracing the standard writers. Twopence per week, payable quarterly, entitles a girl or boy to become a member, with the right to use the Juvenile Reading Room. Special facilities for officers of vessels engaged in the Home and interstate trade. Reading, Smoking. Chess, and Draught Rooms open daily from 9 a.m. till 9.30 p.m. Museum and Art Gallery upstairs open from 11 a.m. till 5 p.m. Sundays, 2 p.m. till 5 p.m. Branch School of Design. LIST OF MAGAZINES Ainslee Badminton Arena Black and Whit'. Art Journal Blackwood Atlantic Boy's Own Paper Ar*trali»n Hen Oapt&in