The Compass Vol IV No 2 August 1910

% AUGUST-SEPTEM! I ON MART, VDELAIDE. A. E. PUDNEY, nLO^NT. remission Agents- issued bp tbc port jfldclaiclc Institute (Incorporated) The Adelaide Steamship Coy., Ltd. Fast Steamship Services by up-to-date Steamers between all Australian Ports. THE LINE TO TRAVEL BY. ' ' !l' , V n '.i. ,, 'V. -/A-" D • iV I. •< ■' I » ■ ' - . .. »*#-•* The Adelaide Steamship Company's S.S. YongaUi , i Wood, Coal, and Coke supplied to households; and bunkering under taken at principal ports; lowest fares and freights. For Sailings see advertisements in daily papers. Full information on application to THE HEAD OFFICE, CURRIE STREET, Or PORT ADELAIDE BRANCH. Vardon A Sons Limited. Prlntera.