The Compass Vol IV No 2 August 1910

, ^ / JONES BROS., DIRECT IMPORTERS, St. Vincent Street, Port Adelaide AND SEMAPHORE, Wholesale and Retail Drapers. 1,^ Court, Clerical, Military, and Naval Tailors. ^ '■y, ■» Badge and Uniform Trimming^ a speciality. f. V' :'* V | 'Jf , ' Designs executed to order. . ^ > ..f Captains' Sea Chests, Seamen's Outfits, and Ready made Clothing. I, t. .■ • *. f.'/ , V ' Shipping supplied at special wholesale prices , ,^ .r ■. JONES BROS.. Family Drapers, Carpet and Furnishing Warehousemen, > . Merchant Tailors, i ^ ■ St. Vincent Street, Port Adelaide. AND SEMAPHORE. i; . . , v"t' • f' ■■ ' " I ■, ■ \;I I-'" , , -Post Orders executed under, the direct supervision " f'vi'iiV;!. ? i ' ''iW ■ . of the Principals. ' , ■ Ct' li;;, ;, V'' . JS- ' , , A