The Compass Vol II No 9 March 1908

East Melbourne 18S7, Port Adelaide, 189S ARTHUR HARNETT, Picture Framer and Venetian Blind Manufacturer. Commercial=road, Port Adelaide. Picture Mouldings, Glass, Mounfc-s, Stationery, Post Caivls, &c on Sale. MOUNT CUTTING and PLUSH WORK A SPECIALITY. All orders at Moderate Prices consisrent with good work and best Materials. The Trade Supplied, Post Cards attended to. Estimates Given. Punctuality a leading feature. Terms Cash. ROBE=ST.,PORT ADELAIDE and ALBERT-ST.,SEMAPHORE. THOS. BOYCE, douse & Ship Painter, Signwriter & Decorator ALL KINDS OF HOUSK REP.-VIRS ATTENDED TO. fligh Class Work a Sppoiality. Latest Designs always to hand. Port Adelaide Bi^aneh School of Design. An Classes are held as follows;— D..\V—MOND.-\V,2 to 4.30, Fee 10/- per term. lUNIOK, SATURDAY, 9.15 to 10.4s a.m. Fee 5'-per term. eVDVANCED,S.VTURDAY,11 a.m. to 13.45 fee 5/- per term. KVENINC —MOND.AV and THURSDAY,7 to 9. Fee 10/- per term. Full particulars on application to the ma.ster, MR. CH.AS. J. PAYI.A. Liverpool, London& Globe Insurance Co Total Assets,.^i 1,330,597, Total Clalnls Paid, Y4_;.ooo,ooo All classes of Fire Insurance effected. Policies cover damage by Gas,Lightning and Bush Fires Port Adelaide Ageni's, J. C. IIADDY & SON. PALMERSTON HE.VTII, Local .Vlanager, Widows'Fund Building, 36, Grenfell-street, Adelaide,