The Compass Vol II No 9 March 1908

IMPROVEMENT IN PHONOGRAPH HORNS With Patent Attachment. This Horn gives you the singer's natural voice without auy nasal or metallic sound so common to all phonographs, and cuts out every word or smud separate,even to a whisper. It will make the cheapest machine talk as well as the more expensive. Every singer, man or woman,has a different voice or expression n hich this horn claims to express. Made in three pieces, safely locked. Can be done up in a small parcel. ' Obtainable from L. H, PARKER,Sole Agent, Semapliore-road, Exeter. & CO., Fort, or DEiPOT, Gawler-place^ Adelaide' J. C. HADDY & SON, Undertakers and Einbalmers, 113, FLINDERS STREET, ADELAIDE. 'Phone 1677. ST. VINCENT STREET, PORT ADELAIDE. 'Phone 110 SEMAPHORE ROAD, SEMAPHORE. 'Phone 255. TRADE MARK: BOO-BECK. TJernouth Ham and Bacon Curer. PRINCE'S WHARF, PORT ADELAIDE-